Is it true? Really, generation has awakened. It will be surprised to know that there exist some people in our country that they even don’t know that our country got freedom on 15th August, 1947. They even don’t know who Mahatma Gandhi is. Asking about other freedom fighters would be insane. It is not the question of general knowledge but of knowing the past of our country, knowing about sacrifices made for our better future. It is better to say “Knowing about ourselves”. Who we are? Where we came from? What are mistakes our ancestors have committed in past? And what they have done to rectify the mistakes? But nobody is interested in it.
59 years has passed, but still we are same. Our mentality is same. Before Independence we are slave of Britishers and now, we are slave of corruption, unemployment, poverty, illiteracy, etc. It is a time for a change. It needs to change our mentality, our way of thinking and working too. India is now very rapidly advancing for becoming a developed country. And, no doubt that it would be great power in future. Recent Globalization is adding into it. It was noticed by powers like USA, Europe that Indian talent is very valuable and available in enormous amount. After all, having such a huge population is wealth. China would be the best example. Now go in past isn’t this situation resembles with the period when East India Company arrived in India under the name of Business. In similar way, foreign company are coming to India and hiring Indians and making profit of their own country (not of India).But India is so poor & having so much unemployed people out there that they don’t see this truth.
Some old people say that “British Raaj” is better than this “Govt. Raaj”. It was correct thinking of some freedom fighters like Gopal Ganesh Agarkar, Bhagat Singh, that first Indian society should be self-sufficient to handle complete independence. All brute-traditional activities under the name of religion are still active in our country. In this land where women are treated as goddess, are still exploited, inhumanly. Actually, women are enemies of women. Male dominant society is responsible for this condition. Men don’t like women going out of four walls of home or thinking any thing other than children or home. But now the condition has changed men has accepted that women are better than them and can work together in efficient manner.
Before independence, many social reformers like Dr. Baba sahib Ambedkar, Mahatma Phule had given valuable contribution for demolishing the structure of casteism from the minds of people. But still this issue is alive, raising its culprit head. Now, in the name of reservation, Politicians are playing with future of India.

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